About Kaite McGrew


I’m Kaite and I’m a vegan spiritual coach, intuitive, author, animal rights advocate and maverick mystic.

First thing to know about me is that I’m hugely about two big things:

Big Thing #1:

I’m all about the spiritual sovereignty – more connection, more guidance, more love, more devotion – and all perfectly designed for your exact, unique specifications and needs – everything you need spiritually to support your own expansion – your love affair with Spirit – is already yours, you just have to ask.

Big Thing #2:

Another thing I’m passionate about (although to me, it seems like the same thing, deep down, underneath) is my love for all life on earth – animal, plant, even the planet itself. All life on Earth.  I’m all about treating life in all its forms as the pure expression of Divinity that it is. This means living with as much compassion and respect for all life forms as you possibly can every single day. It’s a practice, like any other spiritual practice which means some days are harder than others, and perfection is not a possibility.

All of the Love All the Creatures products and services reflect these values. This is a place where we draw closer and closer to Spirit through becoming more and more compassionate and reverent each day. This is a space where all who are practicing are welcome, and where shame and blame do not have a place. We are here to help one another evolve. That’s it. That’s the whole thing.


Serving Life on Earth

As a passionate animal rights advocate, part of my mission is to make sure that in my work I consistently serve not only the human, but also the non-human citizens of planet Earth. 10% of all profits from Love All the Creatures programs and products are donated to organizations that promote and protect the inherent rights of non-human animals. I sometimes vary the organizations that benefit, but they will always be organizations that promote and protect non-human animals and their rights.

At the moment, I am donating 10% of Love All the Creatures profits to the Animal Legal Defense Fund, who, in addition to many other worthy efforts, promote the future of animal law by educating future lawyers who specialize in animal law.

You can find out more about ALDF here: ALDF.org

Photograph by In Her Image Photography